A Message from the President, Kourtney Pulliam
Greetings Fellow Alumni,
It is an honor to be selected to serve as President of AAAO Philly representing the “City of Brotherly Love” and Greater Philadelphia area.
As alumni, we recognize the responsibility of maintaining contact and staying connected not only with alumni but also the university and current African American students. AAAO Philly's mission is to work diligently to ensure perspective students, current students and alumni continuously stay connected and engaged to foster pride in the university while enhancing its reputation and prestige.
My decision to go to Penn State was confirmed as soon as I stepped foot on campus during Achiever’s Weekend. I was not only blown away by the massive stadium and beautiful landscape of the university, but by the strong sense of community of the Black students. By the end of that weekend I knew that I HAD to be a part of this community. While at Penn State I had the opportunity to develop myself as leader being a part of THON, MLK Day of Service, SMART, and most importantly NAACP (a.k.a. N-DOUBLE)!
After graduating, I was offered a position to work in Philadelphia and have been here ever since. Philadelphia has become a new home for me, and AAAO Philly has become my large extended family that keeps me contacted with my fellow alumni and the university.
AAAO Philly has a new and enthused Executive Board and we have some exciting things in store for 2017 and beyond, and we would love for you to join us. Please take some time out and complete our brief survey. We are highly interested in finding out what you would like to see come from this chapter as we get the ball rolling. Click here for survey.
Ready to get on board? We know we are! Please take some time to go through our website that has been updated with more information, especially details on the various committees. For AAAO Philly to be successful, we need you guys! So, share this with fellow alumni in the area, subscribe to our newsletter, follow us on Twitter, follow us on Instagram, and join us on Facebook as we continue to build bonds and embrace our alma mater!
For the Glory,
Kourtney Pulliam, Class of 2010
President, Penn State African American Alumni Organization - Philadelphia Chapter
President, Penn State African American Alumni Organization - Philadelphia Chapter
Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. - Henry Ford
For inquires, email or connect with us on social media.
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